Upper Elementary Program
Grades 4 to 6
The Upper Elementary program at VMS consists of multi-age classroom comprised of students in the 4th, 5th, and 6th grades. The engaging Montessori curriculum supports each student’s developmental growth academically, socially, and emotionally while challenging them to solve problems, develop reasoning skills, and harness their imagination. Three very important stages of development occur in the elementary years: The transition of the child’s mind from concrete to abstract reasoning, the birth of a moral sense, and an intensified interest in exploring the natural and social environments of their world.
Our Curriculum
The elementary curriculum integrates history, geography, math, geometry, earth, physical and life sciences, language arts, and literature which allow the children to see the interconnected nature of all subjects.
The students receive lessons and are then tasked to complete follow-up activities that synthesize their learning. Depending on the assignment, the follow-up work may be done individually or collaboratively with their peers.
Cooperative work in groups is an important part of the Montessori philosophy. It is in these groups that students have opportunities for lively discussions, problem solving and decision making while learning how to work with others - skills important for success in school and beyond.

Fostering Independence
The Upper Elementary student is continuing to become more independent and responsible in their social and academic decisions. They are beginning to see their place in the world and develop an awareness of how they can affect positive change in their community and the world.

The Classroom
Each student has the benefit of instruction each week from multiple teachers. This approach gives us a broader perspective and insight on each child’s learning strengths and challenges.
Teachers tailor presentations for specific curriculum topics while supporting student organization, planning, and follow through with all students as they move through their day.
The students participate in daily class meetings, small group instruction, group projects and presentations. Each student has an individualized math plan that allows self-paced progress and advancement.
Classroom Jobs
Montessori students are responsible for taking care of their classroom community and do so by taking responsibility for class jobs that rotate every several weeks throughout the year.
These jobs include things such as being the class chairperson at meetings, the zoologist, botanist, locker supervisor, librarian, recess equipment supervisor, shelf or kitchen organizer, and many more.
At the beginning of the year, the students in each classroom establish a class agreement that all students sign. This agreement includes the guidelines and rules the students agree are essential for providing a safe and respectful learning environment for all.

The Upper Elementary students also enjoy art, technology, P.E., Spanish and music throughout the school year. As the children progress through the grades, the complexity and intensity of the instruction increases.
Spanish: Students develop greater skills in conversation, reading, vocabulary, and grammar.
Music: Students study the elements of music, including melody, beat, rhythm, meter, vocals, instrumental expression, tempo, and articulation.
Art in the Upper Elementary program takes a theme-based approach to organize, fully explore, and incorporate all media. Students work individually and in groups to learn methods and elements of design.
The VMS Physical Education program is intended to motivate students to be excited about movement and encourage students to make physical fitness a lifelong activity. Each class incorporates fitness, sports fundamentals, and strength conditioning components.
Technology: In the Innovation Lab, students explore robotics, 3D printing, coding and more!
An Interest In Learning
Our goal for all the students is to foster a strong internal motivation and interest in learning through engagement in an academically rich, hands-on learning environment fostered by respectful Montessori teachers and a safe, supportive school community.
Childcare and More
We offer childcare for VMS families needing care beyond their child’s regular class time:
Morning childcare: 7:30 am – 9:00 am
Afternoon childcare: 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Families can choose from a variety of our flexible pre-planned schedules, provided space is available.
After-School Enrichment Classes are available for VMS students in Primary through Middle School for the chance to participate in age-appropriate activities of their choice. There are three sessions each year:
Session One: October – December
Session Two: January – Mid-March
Session Three: Mid-March – May
All of our after-school providers agree to comply with the VMS Admissions Anti-discrimination Policy and the VMS Guiding Principles.